Policies and Procedures
Below are the policies and procedures for a number of common faculty and staff affairs matters. All University policies can be found at policies.osu.edu.
- Unit APT and POA (See all approved unit governance documents on the OAA website.)
- Faculty Advisory Council
- Staff Advisory Council
CFAES Promotion & Tenure Workshop Resources:
- 2024 P&T 101 Workshop Slides and Recording
- 2024 P&T Core Dossier and Narrative Preparation Workshop Slides and Recording
- 2024 Pathways to Promotion to Full Professor Workshop Slides and Recording
- Interdisciplinary Dossier Tips
More Promotion & Tenure Information:
- 2024-2025 P&T Timeline Memo
- OAA Promotion and Tenure Resources
- OAA Policies and Procedures Handbook(See Volume 3 for Promotion and Tenure)
- OAA Policies, Guidelines, & Forms
- Please refer to the new SHIFT framework for faculty search process guidance.
- Refer to SHIFT and CFAES Policy Crosswalk for CFAES specific information.
- CFAES Position Description Template
- This position description template is formatted with the university's official Buckeye fonts. Please download and install those fonts at https://brand.cfaes.ohio-state.edu/guidelines/brand-guidelines/fonts before finalizing the position description and converting to a PDF.
- CFAES Faculty Hire Request Form for AU22 Forward
- CFAES Faculty Hiring and Retention Processes
- CFAES APT (See page 14.)
- Unit APT (See all approved unit governance documents on the OAA website.)
- CFAES Faculty Startup Resource Guidance
- Follow the below process steps for Dual Career Hires:
- Submit Form 211 to request search waiver to Sr. Associate Dean for review and routing to OAA. (No additional steps in the process may be conducted until approval is granted.)
- Post position in Workday for at least 24 hours to allow application through the requisition
- TIU completes a full review and conducts the interview process for the dual careers candidate
- TIU head must provide a recommendation
- Dean must approve the hire
- MOU discussed with the partnering unit and Form 210 completed for shared funding
- Extend the offer
- Visit OSU Office of Dual Careers and Faculty Relocation for related resources
- CFAES Office of Research Standard Operating Procedures
- Outside Activities and Conflicts Policy (effective September 1, 2022)
- eCOI Disclosure and Outside Activities Approval Form
- Conflict of Interest Process & FAQs
- External Funds: Sponsored Project or Gift?
Beginning September 1, 2022, all employees who wish to engage in outside activities (excluding professional services as defined in the Outside Activities and Conflicts policy) must submit an Outside Activities Approval Form (linked above) and obtain approval before engaging in any outside activities. This replaces the Paid External Consulting Approval Form 201.
- Unit POA (See all approved unit governance documents on the OAA website.)
- Policy on Faculty Professional Leave
- Application for Faculty Professional Leave Form 202
- Policy on Faculty Special Assignment
- CFAES POA for Grievances against Faculty
- Faculty Rule 3335-5-04 for Grievances against Faculty
- Reporting of Harassment, Discrimination, or Sexual Misconduct
- Faculty Rule 3335-8-23 for Grade Grievances
- Engage in your appropriate TIU review of the emeritus request from the retiring faculty member.
- Submit the Request for Emeritus Status Form 207 to Senior Associate Dean Tracy Kitchel (kitchel.2@osu.edu) along with the faculy member's letter of resignation.
- Your request narrative via the the request form should focus on the faculty member's sustained academic contribution to the university. You can do this within the document or as an attached letter.
- Related, do not note further work post-retirement as a basis for granting emeritus status. Granting emeritus status is not based on working post-retirement.
- Also attach the retiree’s vita to the email request – this will assist in the college-level review.
- If approved at the college-level, the document will be routed through DocuSign for signatures from the TIU Head, Sr. Associate Dean Tracy Kitchel (as the Dean's designee), and OAA. Emeritus status is not officially granted until approved by the Board of Trustees.
Related Policies
- Cannabis Research, Teaching and Extension Activities
- College Compensation Policy
- College Devices and Service Guidelines
- Database - Personnel DB Policy Waiver
- External Award Guidelines
- Facility Access Control Policy
- Faculty Reward Guidelines
- Internal Control Structure
- Reporting Student Injury - Columbus Campus
- Request for Sponsorship
- Produce/Food Safety Guidelines